Small Intestine 6 and 9-15: Light Through the Labyrinth CEU


4 NCCAOM-Approved PDA points (AOM-AC)

4 PDFs, 20pp

Confusion can send us into acute bewilderment, or it can hook into deep long-term questions inside ourselves about whether we really might be crazy. The Small Intestine, as the paired meridian with the Heart, rules the unconscious “sorting” process that allows us to free-associate, interpret, and organize our perceptions into clear impressions. From the point of view of the Heart, everybody’s consciousness is exactly the same. However, everybody has a different Small Intestine—because of history, because of language, because of upbringing, because of past associations. Our Small Intestine is a unique kaleidoscope of cognition and perception, with different little colored shapes moving around in different configurations—which means that everybody, by a certain definition, is completely crazy. This article explores multiple aspects and clinical presentations of confusion and self-questioning about the nature of reality, as we wonder, “Am I crazy? Or just different?”

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