Post-Pandemic Clinical Complexities

Post-Pandemic Clinical Complexities

I don’t think I’m becoming a worse herbalist—I think that there are more and more truly complex and challenging cases out there. I think that everyday life has become not just more difficult, but in many cases more paradoxical and internally contradictory, than ever before in my lifetime as a healer. I noticed the first…

Healthy Anger, in Autumn

What is healthy anger?  That’s an easily politicized question—and I‘d like to disrupt the binary of healthy/unhealthy anger by instead suggesting that we consider anger along the polarity of healthier anger and less healthy anger.  This is important for many reasons, chief among which is that anger is a dynamic process, and health is a…

How to Become a Reassurance Expert, on a Me-First Basis

How to Become a Reassurance Expert, on a Me-First Basis

How to Become a Reassurance Expert, on a Me-First Basis Whew! When those around us are in fear, how can we be most in service to them? Heroic emotional rescue is exhausting—we may not have it in us to support others when we ourselves are tired, and possibly just as afraid. We need a me-first…

Water Transformation of Virtue: Fear (Kong) to Wisdom (Zhi)

Water Transformation of Virtue: Fear (Kong) to Wisdom (Zhi)

Water Transformation of Virtue: Fear (Kong) to Wisdom (Zhi) In Chinese medicine, there are Five Elements, each with a particular capacity for emotional disturbance. The Water element’s emotional disturbance is fear. Each element also has a virtue that is developed when we bring that emotion back in service to the Heart. Water’s returning to the…