Reflections on Liver 4 and Three Kinds of Power

Reflections on Liver 4 and Three Kinds of Power

Ankles are amazing. They are in charge of both stability and mobility. They need movement, but not too much—we also need not to sprain them. Somewhere in that balance of stiffness and looseness is Liver 4, an acupuncture point right there on the flexure of the ankle. It’s the Metal point on the Liver meridian….

Forgiveness and Accountability in Community Life

Forgiveness and Accountability in Community Life

This blog is an excerpt from a longer presentation recently given to my Sufi community. If you are interested, you can check out the full teaching.  It is not possible to hold someone else accountable in the clean and polite, healthy and holy way unless you are first able to hold yourself accountable with that…

Different Ways of Being With God

Different Ways of Being With God

I’ll be doing a workshop February 24-25 called Doorways to the Divine. All are welcome; it’s inclusive of all seekers, although I personally rely heavily on Sufi prayer practices in order to open healing space. This gathering is for anyone seeking healing, and anyone wishing to deepen their relationship with the Divine, especially during difficult…

What We Know, and What We Don’t Know 

What We Know, and What We Don’t Know 

There are some folks who are not comfortable with the unknown. Oh, no thank you, not comfortable with the unknown. They may be so uncomfortable with the unknown that they just don’t even acknowledge it.   There was a period of time it–blew my mind–when–you know how sometimes there’s a phrase that you’ve never heard before,…